Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Will 2009 Be The Year???

Will 2009 be the year? The year you finally shed those pesky love handles, that roll of fat across your stomach, your flabby arms and legs? Will it be the year you stop being afraid to shop for clothes because you hate seeing yourself in the dressing room mirror? Will it be the year you’ll be able to take up a new activity like mountain biking or even run your first 5K? Is this YOUR time, the time for you to finally achieve the goals you have for a beautiful body? Yes, it’s possible!!!

If you don’t feel like you have the strength to accomplish this, if you feel like changing your diet and exercising just aren’t doing what you need them to do, you are not alone…up to ten percent of people surveyed in one study were currently taking a supplement for weight loss.

That’s thousands, even millions of Americans looking for help losing weight, searching for an answer just as you are. Don’t be embarrassed! You can’t always control the weight that you’ve already put on. Needing to lose some weight doesn’t make you lazy or a bad person…think of it as a medical condition. It’s the one medical condition you DO have the power to completely erase, and here are some great reasons why you should:

Saying Goodbye to the Extra Pounds—Your Health Depends On It

Other than the obvious benefits of losing excess weight, such as having more confidence, feeling more attractive, and being able to enjoy a more active lifestyle, there are some extremely important reasons why you NEED to shed the extra pounds. Being overweight puts you in a very dangerous category—a group of Americans more at risk for some potentially deadly conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control, being overweight or obese increases your risk for:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
  • Depression

If cancer and heart disease aren’t enough to convince you that it’s time to make a healthy change in your lifestyle, think about it this way…How do you want to be remembered by your loved ones? As an invalid, old, tired, and too out of shape to enjoy life properly, or as an active person who was always full of energy and ready to take anything on? The difference is one you can make for yourself.

Things either get better or get worse…they very rarely stay the same.

Think about that statement and how it applies to your life. You know it’s true regarding your weight…if you continue going along the same path that has led you to become overweight, you’re only bound to pack on more pounds. On the other hand, if you make a choice today to do something different, to take positive action, then your weight is only going to improve.

Where to Start? The 10 Percent Difference

Research has shown that reducing your weight by only 10% of your total weight (example, if you weigh 200 pounds, then your goal weight would be 180) has immediate health benefits. How to lose the weight? Well, we know reducing your calorie intake is helpful, and so is getting regular exercise. Some people who are severely overweight consider prescription drugs, but they can have some especially nasty side effects, like fecal incontinence. Gross, right? Luckily there’s another great way to jumpstart your weight loss, without dangerous stimulants or potentially humiliating side effects…

Stack the Odds In Your Favor With Lipocerin, the All-Natural, 100% Guaranteed Weight Loss Solution!

Lipocerin contains Nature’s best ingredients to help your body fight excess fat! Lipocerin combines the amazing appetite-suppressing power of Hoodia Gordonii with the metabolism-boosting power of Chromium Picolinate.

Hoodia Gordonii, derived from a rare African cactus, has amazing appetite-suppressing qualities. It helps you think about food less and tricks your brain into thinking you’re full. This ingredient is NOT a stimulant and has no reported side effects.

Lipocerin contains more Hoodia than Trimspa- 32X!

Chromium Picolinate is an important nutrient for your body to process insulin. When your body uses insulin more efficiently, there are fewer fat deposits, causing more glucose and amino acids to go to your muscles.

Lipocerin contains more Chromium Picolinate than Hydroxycut!

If those two ingredients were all that Lipocerin had, it would be a potent fat-fighter and an amazing value…but that’s not all!

Lipocerin's potent combination of botanical ingredients combines these two ingredients with the fat-burning power of Kola Nut, Guarana, and Grapefruit and the proven energy-boosting herb Chinese Ginseng. Kola Nut and Guarana are natural sources of caffeine, also shown to have a stimulating effect on the metabolism. In addition, Lipocerin has Gymnema, an herb which has been shown to reduce sugar cravings.

Chickweed supports the urinary tract and is a mild appetite suppressant. Almond Nut contains healthy monounsaturated fats which, according to the study below, help promote weight loss. Bladderwrack is a plant rich in naturally occurring iodine, which supports healthy thyroid function and metabolism.

Safe And Effective!!

Lipocerin contains no dangerous ephedra or ma huang…the caffeine in Lipocerin is equal to what you’d get in your morning coffee. Lipocerin is GUARANTEED!

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