Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ten Tips To Weight Loss

  1. Chew Slower

    We don't realize how fast we tend to eat. Most of us eat hurriedly -- between errands, in the car, during a work break. It becomes such a habit, by the time we get home, we don't slow down. When you have the opportunity to eat a meal at your leisure, do just that. By chewing more slowly, your digestive process gets a chance to work properly, you will be able to savor your food, and you'll be more likely to stop eating when you feel sated.
  2. Color Me Hungry

    Did you know that certain colors may influence your appetite? For example, when eating from a red plate, you may actually eat more than if you were eating from a darker plate. The color of your kitchen may influence your eating, too. Reds, oranges and yellows as wall colors may have an appetite-stimulating effect (Ever noticed how brightly-decorated your favorite fast food eatery is?). Consider switching to cool colors like light blue or mint green.
  3. De-stress Before Dinner

    Before sitting down for your evening meal, take a moment to relax with deep breathing, listening to a favorite calming CD, or taking a leisurely walk. You will do yourself and your digestive system a favor by eating in a more relaxed state. Stress also tends to cause overeating, so chilling out before your meal will help you better know when to say when.
  4. Down Some H2O

    Skip the diet soda and drink a tall glass of cold water before your meals. Doing so may help you feel fuller and prevent overeating. Plus, drinking ice-cold water may actually give your metabolism a tiny boost.
  5. Clear the Area

    Once you are done eating, take a break in another room. The dishes can wait. Taking a moment to change gears -- such as, reading the paper or petting your dog -- will be a signal that you are absolutely done eating; sitting at the table to peruse the paper or continue a conversation may lead you to pick at leftovers or clean off your child's plate.
  6. Don't Multitask

    Make it a point to avoid doing other activities while you are eating, such as reading a magazine or watching television. You will pay little attention to portion control and you will be less likely to notice when you begin to feel full.

    Plus, eating while you are doing that activity may become habit: For example, each time you watch television, you will automatically reach for a snack. Watching your favorite show -- what could be a calorie-free treat -- could then lead to weight gain.

  7. Keep Food in its Place

    Try to eat only at your kitchen table or dining table. You will eat less -- and less often -- if you do not allow yourself to take food into the rest of the house, such as the living area or bedroom.
  8. Downsize Your Dishes

    Using a smaller plate really can help you eat less. A study proved that even nutrition experts consumed more food when they ate from larger dishes and used oversized serving utensils. If they didn't notice they were eating more, how will the rest of us? Try using a salad plate for your dinner plate and your portions may downsize, too.
  9. Soup and Salad for Starters

    Enjoy a small bowl of broth-based soup or a veggie-filled salad before your largest meal (typically dinner). If you are particularly hungry, try both. Soup will take a while to eat, which will allow it time to take the edge off your appetite; fiber-rich vegetables are naturally filling and will help you eat less later on.
  10. Keep Seconds Out of Sight

    Even if you know you are probably going to eat two servings of a particular food -- such as bread -- start out by putting only one slice on your plate. If you have to stop and think before you go back and get that second helping, you will be more likely to consider doing without it. If it is already sitting on your plate, it's most likely a done deal.

For more tips on weight loss click here

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Healthiest Rate for Weight Loss

Two pounds of WEIGHT LOSS a week is generally considered to be healthy weight loss. There is no point in losing weight if you are not going to do it right. Otherwise you will just gain it back and then some.

Dramatic WEIGHT LOSS is shockingly bad for you. This wrecks your metabolism and irreversibly damages your immune system. When faced with an intensive calorie restriction, your brain immediately thinks you are starving and sends your body directly into famine mode.

Your metabolism slows and your body does its utmost to preserve precious fat stores. It starts to use up fat burning muscle tissue for fuel instead of life-saving fat which slows your metabolism even further.

Eventually, the FAST WEIGHT LOSS will slow to a complete stop as your body slows your metabolism to prevent you from starving to death.

For more great tips and proven strategies to weight loss, click HERE

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Carb Reduction

Reducing the amount of carbs in your diet is a really good way to jump start a diet. And it is actually really easy to do. There is a large variety of foods that are "no carb" or "low carb" . These foods are filling too. They don't leave you feeling deprived. And especially when you can eat as much of the "no carbs" as you want. There are several varieties of the low carb diet ; Atkins, South Beach, just to name a couple. And people are having great success with these. The main thing with any diet is to be determined to stick with it. That is very important. For more tips and tricks to weight loss, click here

Monday, August 25, 2008

Essential Tip For Weight Loss

Exercise is essential for weight loss

It's nothing new, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether you will succeed at long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. In order for exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five 30 minute sessions per week. The good news is that recent research has shown that three 10 minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30 minute session. This helps many in combating the old "no time for exercise" excuse. Be certain to find something you enjoy. You'll be more apt to stick with it. Try walking with a friend, joining an intramural sports league, participating in outings with a group like The Sierra Club, or trying some classes at your local gym. Once you give exercise a chance, you will begin to enjoy its positive benefits on your psyche as well; you will literally become "hooked."

For more ideas and hints for weight loss, go Here

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fat Loss

Here I am,on the weight loss plateau. Eating all the right things, getting lots of exercise. But still can't get below the weight where I am. Fat loss is what I need . Just about 10 more pounds will do it. Time to change the routine. Bump up the exercise routine a bit. Change it around. I found a diet plan that is what I think will do the trick. I don't feel hungry. I eat 4 meals a day and get to pick my food. If you would like to see what I am talking and raving about click here. Fat loss can be accomplished and this is a quick and satisfying way to do it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Have you been struggling to lose weight but find that the plans and programs that work for others refuse to work for you?

Do you feel that something must be wrong with your body because it doesn't respond in the way that you would like to advice that you've been given?

If so, what you are going to hear next will sound like good news to your ears.

The first part of the good news is that there's nothing wrong with your body. It is doing exactly what it was meant to do.

The second part is that the well-meaning people in your life who have been sharing tips and ideas on how to improve your health and vitality have not intentionally been leading you astray.

The information that they have been providing is perfectly appropriate...but only to those it applies to.

Now, although this may sound a bit confusing right now, hang on and everything will become clear as we conclude.

Here's the key...

In order to achieve the results that you desire - you must first determine your body's bio-individuality.

What does bio-individuality mean?

Basically it means that "we are all unique individuals with varying nutritional needs based largely on our genetic inheritance," and should therefore be eating accordingly.

The idea of eating according to your unique body type is nothing new.

Hippocrates, often considered the father of medicine, classified individuals in different categories according to varying characteristics, and these sorts of classifications have been used for years in both Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

In the 1950s, nutritional pioneer Dr. Roger Williams stated in his book, Biochemical Individuality, "If we continue to try to solve [nutritional] problems on the basis of the average man, we will continually be in a muddle. Such a man does not exist."

And this is why understanding the unique needs of your body, including your ancestry, your genetic heritage, your blood type and your metabolic profile are so important.

With this information it's easy to see how someone else can have a great experience on a particular lifestyle program or eating plan while you only experience continual weight gain, lethargy and bloating.

It simply was not created for your type.

Here are a few key factors you must uncover

1. Your metabolic profile,
2. Whether you are a fast burner or a slow burner,
3. The specific energies of foods in rebalancing and healing your body,
4. How your ancestry works as a diet modifier, and
5. How your blood type affects who you are and the way in which your body responds to fuel.

So now that you have all of this great information, where do you go from here?

A great next step is to find a practitioner who will work with you to easily create a diet and lifestyle plan that matches your unique metabolic and physiological needs and keep you accountable and on track.

It's a good idea to work with someone who will support and guide you step by step on the path to determining what foods work best with your body and help you achieve your optimal weight, energy level and lifestyle goals.

To Start Creating Better Health Today, obtain your FREE copy of the Special Report -The No Holds Barred Quick Start Guide to Creating Nourishing Health, By Clicking on

Stacey Antoine Savariau is a health and lifestyle coach who works with clients who are determined that when they're eighty they will know without a doubt that they lived the best years of their lives with clarity, vigor, nourishment & true enjoyment!

To learn more about losing weight by calorie shifting and EATING 4 MEALS A DAY, CLICK HERE !!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quick weight loss diet

You might need quick weight loss but you also need healthy weight loss.
1)lose 9lbs in 11 days
2)eat 4 meals per day
3)choose what foods you like and have your menu made for you
4)guaranteed or your money back

What more could you want? Quick weight loss can be good if you eat and eat the right foods doing it. After you have quick weight loss with this diet, make sure to monitor your weight and continue to watch what you eat to prevent from gaining the weight back. Click here for more on quick weight loss.

I WAS FAT !!!!

I have always struggled to keep my weight in an average range. Most of the time I was in the overweight range but only once did I get really overweight; fat, in fact !!! That was 5 years ago.

To treat a severe health problem, I was having to take a medication that not only caused me to retain fluid but to also be ravenously hungry. It is then that I gained over 70 pounds. When I hit the 200lb mark and a blood pressure that was elevated, I realized that I had to get some weight loss help . So I started walking and changing what I was eating. It took 3 years but I lost that 70 pounds. I felt better than I had in a while.

And then I got a job. A job in a small town medical clinic. I was doing lots of sitting and lots of eating and very little walking. So, I slowly started gaining weight. And before I knew it, I had gained close to 20 pounds. It was time to do something before it got out of hand. I started walking, I started cutting back on foods. But this time, it didn't want to come off. I had thrown my body into starvation mode and it was not giving up that fat.

So I started looking for some kind of weight loss help on the internet and I came across and interesting website that caught my eye; weight loss 4 idiots. It had a completely laid out game plan for me. It said that I could lose 9lbs in 11 days and I could have 4 meals a day. Not only that, but it came with a money back guarantee if you didn't lost weight. So I decided I didn't have anything to lose and I ordered it.

Today is my 9th day on the program and I have lost 7lbs. UNBELIEVABLE!! And I am not starving. I am eating 4 meals a day. Exactly what they laid out for me. I picked the foods that I like and they made out the menu. How easy. And then after the 11th day, I get 3 days to eat what I want and then I can go back on it. With a whole new menu. If you want to lose weight and you want to lose it quick and still be able to eat, this is definitely a Quick Weight Loss Diet. For more info, go here.